“It’s lovely to read a charming and fun book to my grandchildren that informs them about nature and is a step towards making them good stewards of our planet Earth.”
- Isabella Rosselini, farmer / filmmaker
“Am I Even a Bee? is the endearing tale of a confused little bee, . . . a celebration of the wonderful diversity of life, and, perhaps, a parable for human society.”
– Professor Dave Goulson, author of Silent Earth
“A gentle, empathetic story about belonging while bee-ing different, adorably illustrated by Alexa Lindauer, that will leave young readers in love with the natural diversity of real bees.”
- Professor Alex Wild, world-renowned insect photographer, Curator of Entomology at The University of Texas at Austin.
“Am I Even a Bee? is a playful and vibrant introduction to the diverse array of colors, shapes, sizes, and habits of the native bee world. I loved it!"
- Jessica Rykken, Entomologist, Denali National Park
Magazine Reviews
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